Cairo Modern International School provides bus transportation to and from school for students. Students are to wait for their bus at the assigned stop. Bus drivers will sound the horn and wait 3 minutes for students who are late for their bus. Habitual lateness is unacceptable. Drivers will not return to stops for tardy students.
Students are required to go directly to their designated bus area after school is dismissed, and wait for their bus matrons to escort them to the bus. If a student is late and misses her bus then her parents will be contacted and they will need to come and pick her up.
In the event that parents want their children to leave school using an alternative bus or other means of travel then a signed permission note must be sent to the school administration before 9:00 a.m. Students without a signed note will leave on their designated bus.
Parents are responsible for being on time at their child’s designated pick up and drop off destinations. Please verify your address, phone number, and second emergency contact number and name with the school’s transportation department prior to the beginning of the school year.
Bus information such as bus number and bus monitor names and numbers are assigned and will be given during the school’s student and parent Orientation Day.